Generic sized laptop Skins are designed to fit the lid of your laptop. If you are looking to purchase a generic sized laptop Skin we suggest that you view the different sizes on our website and purchase the one that closely fits the dimensions of your laptop lid. We do not guarantee the fit of generic sized laptop Skins. The generic sized laptop Skins that we offer are listed below.
- Generic 10" (10.3in x 6.8in)
- Generic 12" (10.6in x 8.3in)
- Generic 13" (12.8in X 8.9in)
- Generic 14" (11.9in X 9.3in)
- Generic 15" (13.7in X 9.5in)
- Generic 17" (15.2in x 9.9in)
Are generic sized laptop Skins based on the screen size?
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